About JMJ


“Great things come from hard work & perseverance. No excuses.”

—Kobe Bryant

Thank you for reaching out to JMJ Youth Services! Family means everything to our team and we thrive on creating experiences that last a lifetime. We demonstrate the importance of core values such as, integrity, respect, communication, trust, perseverance and discipline.

Our doors are always open and we look forward to working with each and every athlete from all different backgrounds. We guarantee 100% commitment-match; we commit to the athlete and in return we ask for 100% athlete and parent participation.

We take great pleasure in providing an exciting, next level, innovative and intensive program that meets each athletic need.

Browse through the site to learn more.

Thank you,

Jermaine M. Jones
Executive Director


 “All kids need a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.”

– Earvin ‘Magic’ Johnson




When a student becomes a part of the JMJ21 Elite Basketball and MJ Soccer training family they will be instructed by Coach Jones and his coaching staff on all aspects on the game of basketball and soccer, in addition be encouraged to develop in their personal lives by volunteering in the community, focus on their academic success, participate in fundraisers, listen to motivational speakers, improve their diet and read suggested self-improvement books.

There are many challenges facing our youth today and so many distractions that can lead to negative habits.  JMJ21 Elite Basketball and MJ Soccer training is a comprehensive development program that is focused on bringing the very best out of its members on and off the court/field. 

Personal development and self-improvement through
training in basketball and soccer excellence.


The Mission

The mission is simple.

Our focus is on supporting underprivileged youth through personal growth and skill development, which emphasizes on self-improvement through training and mentor-ship.


The Need

The need is GREAT.

At JMJ21 Elite Basketball & MJ Soccer Club, we are currently working on projects that aid in providing the participants with facility time, equipment, uniforms and the ability to participant in tournaments locally and out of town.  


The Work

Your Support Matters.

In order to make a difference, we rely on the support of generous individuals and businesses in our community. We would be most grateful if you would consider providing a one-time or monthly monetary donation or sponsorship to our organization. Your support is critical to the completion of our latest events and projects, and we will gladly keep you updated regarding our progress should you wish. 


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